Thursday, January 29, 2009

Slavery and Salvation - Part 3 of 4

4 Modern day Slavery
It exists in many forms today, such as child labor, farm and factory slavery. But what I am referring to is the most prevalent and affects billions on this planet. It is willful servitude perperrated on us by the banking establishments of this world. This is the slavery where citizens of entire nation are enslaved through debts. The debts that then paid by the citizens through progressive taxation. Even in so called industrialized countries, people are working harder and longer and still their standard of living is going down. This is because almost half of their earnings goes towards paying various taxes. Then there are indirect taxes imposed through printing money and fractional reserve banking. An anonymous writes about debt and capitalism:
The flow of credit from England and then from its surrogate successor, the US, to developing nations such as Argentina was but the flow of printed coupons designed to harness and indebt the wealth and productivity of new lands.
The "capital" was really only credit, thinly disguised debt in the form of paper money originally issued by central banks, the Bank of England in Britain and the Federal Reserve Bank in the US, the twin towers of monetary Mordor.
The wonderfully sounding idea of unfettered capitalism is but a smokescreen for bankers to leverage their coupons in the form of credit and thereby indebt and control the productivity and wealth of others. As such, it has accomplished its goal admirably but its success will now cost the bankers dearly.
As time progressed the banking interest and that of industrial and commercial conglomerates has progressively colluded strengthen their grip on the marketplace through the help of favorable legislations. Their combined interest is very strongly represented in the parliaments and therefore it is more than often that public interest is sacrificed over corporate interest.

Now that we have identified our Masters, let’s see how their greed is affecting societies and nations around the globe.
This progressive exploitation is self evident in societies around the world in the ever expanding ECONOMIC DISPARITY.

The gap between rich and poor has widened over the past 20 years in nearly all the countries studied, even as trade and technological advances have spurred rapid growth in their economies. [The Washington times, October, 2008].

Global income inequality is probably greater than it has ever been in human history. There is some debate about whether it is getting worse or getting better. Currently, the richest 1% of people in the world receives as much as the bottom 57%. The ratio between the average income of the top 5% in the world to the bottom 5% increased from 78 to 1 in 1988 to 114 to 1 in 1993 (Milanovic 1999).
[UC Atlas of Inequality]

It's even more revealing to compare the actual rates of increase of the salaries of CEOs and ordinary workers; from 1990 to 2005, CEOs' pay increased almost 300% (adjusted for inflation), while production workers gained a scant 4.3%. The purchasing power of the federal minimum wage actually declined by 9.3%, when inflation is taken into account.

Source: Executive Excess 2006, the 13th Annual CEO Compensation Survey from the Institute for Policy Studies and United for a Fair Economy.
Figure 5- Disparity between general worker and the CEO salaries in the USA

If wages of general workers don't keep pace with production, the only way the economy can grow is through the expansion of debt, which leads to disaster. No economy can survive if its workers can not afford to buy what they produce.
Mrs. Sarah Emery in her book Financial Conspiracies Which Have Enslaved the American People, wrote
Wherever we turn is discontent ; labor idle, or at least working on short time and low pay; mill after mill silent ; furnaces cold and unproductive ; tramps filling our highways ;the gaunt wolf of starvation staring into desolate homes, and strikes against starvation wages—those forerunners of revolution springing up on every hand. On the other side, we see granaries bursting with the abundance with which God has fattened the land, palatial mansions rising in fabulous magnificence, and mountains of wealth—the product of half-requited labor—poured into the coffers of the idle and affluent. All over the land the wail of distress comes up from poverty-stricken homes crushing out the manhood and womanhood of human kind, blighting the beauty and buoyancy of youth, and destroying the faith of mankind in an all-wise merciful father. In a land of plenty, where the willing hand of industry has created untold wealth, why should that hand be paralyzed for want of the very wealth it has created ? Why should comfortable food, clothing and homes be denied to those who have produced these things in such abundance ? Reader, these are questions that must soon be answered before the tribunal of a long-suffering but much enduring people.
Mrs. Sarah Emery explains the modern day slavery as
Today the same two classes exist as of old, not only in Europe but in this America, which gave such glorious promise of protection to its toiling people. True, the robber chiefs of our times have not by physical force taken possession of our toilers, and the products of their labor ; they did not swoop down upon these people with bayonets and bowie knives ; they did not say to them we have conquered your country and you are our slaves ; ah, no, the terms robber and brigand are too harsh ; civilization has advanced, and these terms are obnoxious to the refined intelligence of the age. The civilized brigandage of today is ashamed of its ancestry, but its appetite for plunder is no less ravenous and daring. Modern brigandage is carried on under more euphonious titles, and new methods of robbery are employed. Instead of “ robber king ” and “ brigand chief ” we have today the money king, the coal king, the cattle king, the railroad magnate, the telegraph monopolist and the lumber baron. Instead of spoils and plunders, we have interests, dividends, revenues and rents.
4.1 Perpetuatuion of slavery

So far we have identified our Masters. We know how this slavery was perpetrated on us. The next issue before our Masters was to make sure that we don’t rise against the oppression. A revolt or even a resistance can not be tolerated. But it is a likely outcome if oppression continues? The economist Robert H. Frank wrote about the potential consequences of progressive economic disparity;
The economist Herbert Stein once said, if something cannot go on forever, it won't. History has repeatedly demonstrated that societies can tolerate income inequality only up to a point, beyond which they rapidly disintegrate. Numerous governments in Latin America have been overthrown largely because of social unrest rooted in income inequality. And in a survey of more than a quarter of a million randomly selected individuals worldwide, economist Robert MacCulloch found that people in countries with high income inequality were much more likely to voice support for violent revolution.
…….As Plutarch wrote almost 2000 years ago, "An imbalance between rich and poor is the oldest and most fatal ailment of all republics." Robert H. Frank, The Johnson School of Management at Cornell University
The modern day slavery is being perpetrated through the following major crimes.

1. Weaken the institute of Marriage and breakdown the family
2. Replace education with indoctrination
3. Replace information with propaganda(Role of Media)
4. Keep people occupied(Role of Media)
5. Deride and marginalize all Religions

4.1.1 Marriage, family and Gender issues.
A healthy society is the one which is based on strong moral values, where people have compassion for each other; responsibilities are understood and faithfully discharged. Individual goodness is often scarified for collective good. Truth and justice are upheld at any cost.
Individuals bearing good moral values create functional families. Such man and woman enter into a binding agreement (marriage) before the next generation is brought in this world. This ensures that the next generation physical and spiritual needs are met properly.
Institution of marriage is now under attack from all directions. First of all, children now belong to state. The moment either spouse files for divorce, even if the other is legally unimpeachable, the government takes control of the children, who become effectively wards of the state. Unauthorized contact by a parent becomes a crime, and the excluded parent can be arrested and incarcerated without trial through a variety of other means that by-pass constitutional due process protections: domestic violence accusations, child abuse accusations, inability to pay “child support,” even inability to pay attorneys’ fees. See the following example of government control as reported by Telegraph;
Social services ’set up CCTV camera in couple’s bedroom’
Council staff are said to have spied on the young parents at night as part of a plan to see if they were fit to look after their baby, who was sleeping in another room. The mother and father were forced to cite the Human Rights Act, which protects the right to a private life, before the social services team backed down
Dr. Stephen Baskerville wrote in his article entitled, How to turn a free people into slaves:
Today, it is becoming equally commonplace that this spirit of liberty is leaving Americans, that we are becoming “a nation of sheep,” as Judge Andrew Napolitano puts it in a new book, who acquiesce in the progressive abrogation of our Constitution and liberty.
This is plausibly attributed to several factors: mass affluence, cultural decadence, the loss of religious faith. But I believe one major factor has been seriously overlooked: the breakdown of the family and the growth of divorce. Moreover, this is not some nebulous “cultural” contributor that somehow saps Americans’ willingness to defend their freedom. The cause-and-effect is directly demonstrable. The reason is that we are now raising our children according to the principles of tyranny.
Divorce sends many harmful messages to children and future citizens: that we can break vows we make to God and others; that family members may be discarded at will. But among the most destructive are about the role of government: that government is their de facto parent that may exercise unlimited power (including remove and criminalize their real parent) merely by claiming to act for their greater good. [January 15, 2008]
Another war on family values being waged under the disguise of ‘Feminism’. This is basically an attempt to erase gender boundaries. What this does is to change the role of women in the society as home maker to bread earner. The role of home making is marginalized to create the misconception that women can only be as respectful as men if they abandoned their natural role of home maker. This day in age when we look everything scientifically somehow fail to notice that men and women are created to play different roles in the society. They are born with different physical and psychological capacities, have different interests and inclinations. Men and women are intended to complement each other not compete with other. However, these feminist have tricked the women to leave the comfort of their home and compete with men for jobs. In addition, turn respectful women and girls and turn them into sex symbol to peddle merchandize. This has translated into rising illicit affairs weakening the families on one hand and depriving the children the care that only mothers can provide on the other. Apparently, all of this is working for our masters. The institution of family is decaying by not only increasing rate of divorce but also decreasing rate of marriage. It can be seen from the data published by division of vital statistics, National center of health statistics, CDC.

Last but not the least, perversion called homosexuality is increasingly getting coverage in the media and our legislators are also hard at work to provide legal cover to this despicable crime against humanity.
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a bill [SB1441] into law in August, 2006. bill that would require all businesses and groups receiving state funding -- even if it's a state grant for a student -- to condone homosexuality, bisexuality and transsexuality.

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