Saturday, January 31, 2009

Slavery and Salvation - Part 4 of 4

4.1.2 Education through indoctrination
The role of education is reduced to creating slaves that accept monopoly and do not question status quo. All the economic exploitation as described above needs to be inculcated in young minds from childhood. Free thinking is stifled; morality/ religion is marginalized or re-defined, history is twisted to present freedom fighters as villains and corrupted ones as heroes. The idea is to create a work force that obeys and never question the authority.

"They must find it difficult, those that have taken authority as the truth, rather than truth as the authority" – Gerald Massey

Walter Karp, an American journalist and historian, stated:

“The public school system: ‘Usually a twelve year sentence of mind control. Crushing creativity, smashing individualism, encouraging collectivism and compromise, destroying the exercise of intellectual inquiry, twisting it instead into meek subservience to authority.’”

Education system aims to just teach enough to be employed in factories and corporations. In fact, looking for employment is encouraged. Graduates vying for their own businesses find themselves on their own to figure out the system. Universities hold job fair but not business fair.
Dr. Kwaku Person-Lynn, in his article “The educated Slave” wrote:
One of the most miscalculated assumptions is that when a person receives a college degree, whether undergraduate or graduate, that individual is now educated. It is true that individual is qualified to apply for various positions or professions where a particular degree is required. However, if one were to evaluate being educated by the first requirement passed down from the ancient Nile Valley temples in northeast Afrika, the educational center for the world during its golden era, most would not be considered educated.

The state of affairs did not always exist but has been slowly adapted. Which means it is a dynamic process ever more corrupting than before. An anonymous wrote:

At the onset of this century the instructional program of the great Western universities frequently referred to the God of the Bible, the living self-revealing God. Courses… gave prominence to the Ten Commandments and to the Sermon on the Mount, and presented Jesus of Nazareth as the perfect example of morality… By the late 1920s, a striking shift of perspective had prevailed. References to deity no longer focused on the… self-revelatory God of Biblical theism, but rather on an anonymous God in general, a John Doe god.
California is leading the way in corrupting young minds.
California legislature has approved what amounts to “Gay Day” in all California public schools. This proposed day will be in support of the late San Francisco Supervisor Harvey Milk. If this bill (AB 2567) is signed into law it will mean that all public schools, on May 22nd of every year, will have an official day commemorating homosexuality, bisexuality, and transsexuality. It will harm children as young as those in kindergarten by portraying in a positive light, homosexual experimentation, homosexual marriages, sex-change operations, and anything else that is “in the closet.”

4.1.3 Role of Media
President Theodore Roosevelt who died in 1919 was quoted in the March 27th edition of the New York Times with the following statement,
"These International bankers and Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests control the majority of newspapers and the columns of these newspapers to club into submission or drive out of public office officials who refuse to do the bidding of the powerful corrupt cliques which compose the invisible government."

Media, both print and broadcast, in western world is completely corporatized. The fact that few corporations own it makes it very easy to put out a consistent streamlined propaganda.

List of following 4 media giants clearly shows the consolidation of broadcast media, print media and entertainment consolidation in fewer hands.
1. AOL Time Warner
[Revenue: 47 Billion]
Major TV network CNN :29 operations throughout the world.
ISP: AOL: About 27 million subscribers.
Books: 24 Book brands from Time life books to little brown and co.
Magazines: Time, Fortune and others with total of 120 million readers.
Movies: 12 companies including Warner Bros and Hanna-Barbera (Scooby-Doo) and multiplex cinemas: in 12 countries.

2. The Walt Disney company
[Revenue:38 Billion]
Major TV network: ABC, Diney Channel in 8 countries
ESPN in 165 countries in Asia, Europe and Latin America
Waltdisney tv and sportsvision Australia.
Books: Disney Books with18 online ventures and 720 stores.
Movie: Walt Disney, Touchstone, Miramax films, Buena Vista and others.

3. Viacom
[Revenue:12 Billion]
Major TV Network: CBS has 200 affiliated TV stations. MTV, VH1, Nickelodeon and Comedy Central.
Others 180 radio stations and world’s largest advertizing company, the Infinity Outdoor.

4. News Corp
[Revenue:13 Billion]
Major TV Network: FOX TV is the largest in the US with 22 stations and 14 FOX companies internationally including 20th Century FOX TV.
In the UK BSkyB, SKY with 150 Channels, FOXTEL in Australia. STAR satellite service reaching 300Million in Asia.
Books: Harper Collins and 7 other publishing houses.
Magazine: The New York Post in the US, The Times and The Sun in UK. In Australia company owns 100 regional and national titles, including The Australian and The Telegraph. Almost 55 regional and community newspapers in New Zealand.

Four of these corporations together have enormous reach and influence on what we see, hear, read and think.

The threat does not lie in the commercial operation of the mass media. It is the best method there is and, with all its faults, it is not inherently bad. But narrow control, whether by government or corporations, is inherently bad. In the end, no small group, certainly no group with as much uniformity of outlook and as concentrated in power as the current media corporations, can be sufficiently open and flexible to reflect the full richness and variety of society’s values and needs. … The answer is not elimination of private enterprise in the media, but the opposite. It is the restoration of genuine competition and diversity~ Ben H. Bagdikian, The Media Monopoly, Sixth Edition, (Beacon Press, 2000), pp. 223-224

Remember, what started as the power to create money and earn interest on it has transformed itself into a system that controls all aspects of human life from politics to education including majority of print and broadcast media. You may question that the media may have consolidated that does not mean it is owned by the banks. And therefore protects the interest of banking of institutions.
First of all, all corporations and businesses need credit to expand their businesses and also need other bank services to help manage their finances to execute local and international trade. This alone provides tremendous leverage. But you can easily infer mainstream media bias from their coverage of the events involving these banks. For example, did you know that Federal Reserve Bank is a private institution? The same goes for Wall Street. It is one big gambling house where ‘house’ always wins. Stock trading, futures market and derivatives are the different slot machines within this casino. It is our losses that pay billions in salaries and bonuses to Wall Street bankers. Have you ever seen mainstream media actually doing the analysis of these boom and bust cycles? Did you see any business or news channel telling you who flood the market with cheap credit resulting in an unprecedented real estate boom? Which is then busted and is partially responsible for recessions in the USA, Western Europe and Asia?

Main stream media coverage can provide clues about its owners, their interest and their ideology. For example, from media lies about the financial institutions we know who the real owners are. The same goes for the politicians who get favorable coverage are the ones in bed with these financial institutions. But there is also war on ideology being waged where Israel and Judaism are the heroes. Muslims and Arabs are the most vilified [6]. Even Christianity is often derided.

Israel and Judaism are portrayed as the most ‘kosher’ country and the religion. Israeli genocide is not mentioned but stone throwing Palestinian make the front pages and headlines. There are Jews who voice their opposition to Israel’s genocide of Palestinians [7] but MSM media is unanimous in there condemnation of Palestinian. The following map worth more than 1000 words.

If you want to be free, do not take anything mainstream media puts out at its face value. It has merely become merely a propaganda machine to further corporate interest, keep people occupied through sports, violence and obscenity. And indoctrinate next generation with immorality, disobedience of parents and self-indulgence. All of this to simply divide and rule.
Following is the excerpt from American Psychiatric Association website.
In 1996, the National Television Violence Study examined the most extensive body of television programming ever collected for the purpose of content analysis. The study found that the majority of all entertainment programming contains violence. Especially disturbing was that the perpetrators of violence went unsanctioned in 73% of these violent scenes, since the most effective way of reducing the likelihood of young viewers imitating violent behavior is to show such behavior being punished.
Ignoring consequences of violence (including the pain of victims, the victims' families, and the families of perpetrators) or depicting the consequences unreasonably sets in motion a destructive encoding process. Viewers become desensitized and fearful and begin to identify with aggressors and the aggressors' solutions to various problems. The violent behaviors and attitudes thus encoded, aggression is now all the more likely in personal situations.
Two studies release in November 2005 point to an increase in both sex and violence on television. The Kaiser Family Foundation released a study called Sex on TV 4 which found that the number of sexual scenes on television has doubled since 1998.
Today's television programming is littered with sex and violence of a graphic nature. Though adults may become desensitized to these depictions, children are undoubtedly influenced. The excellent 2003 study from the University of Michigan by L. Rowel Huesmann clearly shows that people who were heavy TV viewers as children are more likely to engage in violent behavior as adults. Children are effected by violence on TV whether they know it or not. It is up to the adults to control what comes into the household and not let the TV networks raise America's children.
Hal Becker, media 'expert' and management consultant (the Futures Group) made the following revealing statement:
"…I know the secret of making the average American believe anything I want him to. Just let me control television. Americans are wired into their television sets. Over the last 30 years, they have come to look at their television sets and the images on the screen as reality. You put something on television and it becomes reality. If the world outside the television set contradicts the images, people start changing the world to make it more like the images and sounds of their television. Because its influence is so great, so pervasive, it has become part of our lives. You lose your sense of what is being done to you, but your mind is being shaped and moulded.”

You will be better off turning your TV sets off. It is used as tool to corrupt our society. Why pay our masters to enslave us?

"The ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administered by its victims. The most perfect slaves are, therefore, those which blissfully and unawaredly enslave themselves." ~-Dresden James

4.1.4 Religions as an enemy of the establishment
Any religion that preaches the role of God as sole source of laws that govern humans’ individual and collective life is an enemy of our Masters. God wants us to establish a socio-economic system based on justice and morality. This threatens the system of our masters who would like individuals corrupted and societies divided. The current system encourages individuals to live like animals whose sole purpose of existence is to strive to fulfill their lust, desires and temptations.

More comprehensive a religion is in addressing personal, social, economical, political aspects of our life, harder it is resisted and strongly it is marginalized.
Have you noticed that Islam and Muslims are most negatively portrayed in the media? This is not new, in fact, whenever the messenger of God invited people to the way of God, they were always violently opposed by the elites of their time. Abraham (peace be upon him) was thrown in the fire, Moses (peace be upon him) was chased out by Pharaoh’s army, and the people of Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) tried to crucify him. Muhammad (peace be upon him) had to migrate from Mecca. This is so because the system based on good moral values and justice leaves no room for anyone to exploit.

So if religions can be restricted within the confines of a church such that it has no say on how society functions then it is acceptable by our masters. In other words, as long as religion exists as a ‘culture’ only comprising of festivals and feasts, it welcomed. Any religion asking its followers to live by its moral code and stand for justice is a threat that must be neutralized.

If you watch and believe the mainstream media (MSM), the word terrorism immediately makes you think Islam, doesn’t it? Now that we have established some doubt about the MSM coverage, it is only fair not to take coverage about Islam at its face value either.

So why Islam is labeled as terrorism? Because Islam is complete way of life, it addresses personal, social, economical and political aspects of our lives. It is a code of life that, if accepted and acted upon, ensures that we exist in peace. Peace. It provides this ultimate motivation to do good, through an existence of God, concept of hereafter and Day of Judgment. One who believes that this short life determines either an eternal bliss in Heaven or endless torment of Hell will lead a completely different life. Quran is the book that has this message. It is the book from the God. If you have any doubt about the message of Quran, I would like to mention some scientific facts mentioned in Quran 1400 years ago.

1. Origin of the universe
Among the scientific community, the big bang theory is considered to be the only plausible way to explain how the universe was created. The theory came into being in early 19th century.
Quran mentions this theory as
“Do the disbelievers not see that the heavens and the earth were joined together, then I split them apart?” [ 21:30]
2. Expanding Universe
Edward P. Hubble discovered that the degree of redshift observed in light coming from a galaxy increased in proportion to the distance of that galaxy from the Milky Way. This became known as Hubble's law, and would help establish that the universe is expanding. Hubble’s discovery was announced in 1925. Quran mentioned this as
“I built the heaven with power and it is I, who am expanding it.” [51:47]
3. Light of Sun and Moon.
…and made the moon a light (noor) in their midst, and made the sun as a lamp (siraaj) [71:16]
The moon is called a light (Arabic: noor) and the sun a lamp (siraaj). it reveals the fact that sun is a source of light, while the moon only reflects light.

4. Celestial Orbits
Here Quran not only mentions the orbital movement of sun, moon and the planets but also their movement about their own axis.
“(God is) the one who created the night, the day, the sun and the moon. Each one is traveling in an orbit with its own motion.” [21:33]
The movement of sun about its axis was first observed by Galileo in early 1600s.

5. Solar Apex
"The sun runs its coarse to a settled place That is the decree of the Almighty, the All Knowing.” [ 36:38]
“Settled place” (Quran uses the word mustaqarr) which indicates an exact appointed place and time. Modern astronomy confirms that the solar system is indeed moving in space at a rate of 12 miles per second towards a point situated in the constellation of Hercules ( alpha lyrae ) whose exact location has been precisely calculated. Astronomers have even given it a name, the solar apex.

6. Role of Mountains
Modern earth sciences have proven that mountains have deep roots under the surface of the ground (see figure 9) and that these roots can reach several times their elevations above the surface of the ground. So the most suitable word to describe mountains on the basis of this information is the word ‘peg,’ since most of a properly set peg is hidden under the surface of the ground. The history of science tells us that the theory of mountains having deep roots was introduced only in the latter half of the nineteenth century.
“Have We not made the earth an expanse and the mountains as pegs?”

These pegs act as a stabilizer to maintain earth’s movement about its access. In other words, these mountains are placed strategically across the globe in order to center earth’s gravity which ensures smooth movement as mentioned in the following verse.
“And He has set up on the earth firm mountains, lest it should shake with you; and rivers and roads; that you may be guided” [16]
Anyone with an unbiased mind will recognize that these scientific facts can only be known to the creator 14 century ago. Despite all these scientific facts mentioned in Quran, it is not the book of science rather book of morality and justice. It invites human being to raise themselves from worldly desires to justify their existence as the best of creations. Worship the creator, live in peace here in this world and enter God’s paradise in the life hereafter. The other choice is to worship there own desires and temptations, be enslaved by the elites and face the torment of hell in the hereafter. There is no third option. Those who try to propose any other solution to human suffering, despite their good intentions, are fighting the fire with fuel.
Islam aspires to create believers who have firm understanding of their role in this life. This puts everything into perspective because the sole intention in this life becomes to make next life rewarding. Once you have the right perspective of life it becomes easier to control ones pride, envy, wrath, sloth, gluttony, greed and lust. This is no easy task and requires perpetual struggle to keep one focus on the life hereafter despite attractions and distractions of this life. Islam has prescribed daily prayers, once-a-year month long fasting, obligatory charity on yearly basis to help believers persevere in this struggle.
Imagine a society comprising of such believing men and women. This society can not be enslaved because of the character of the individuals it consists of and because it follows the divine guidance in its individual and collective life.
Finally, I’ll just briefly outline the Islamic economic system. You will realize why our masters have unleashed a disinformation campaign against Islam through their corporatized media. Prohibition of Usury
The defenition:
From the Latin usuria means demanding in return for a loan a greater amount than was borrowed. Interest is from the Latin interess it is a legal term for usury when it is sanctioned by law or made lawful by government decree.
By definition, it is a usury-based transaction if all the following conditions are met,
1. Creditor always gets MORE money than the principal amount loaned.
2. The gain is directly proportional to the TIME it was loaned for.
3. The above two are PRE-AGREED before loan is furnished.

Logic behind its prohibition:
The money, whether gold/silver or paper currency, is a medium to exchange goods and services. It is in itself neither goods nor services. So only way to for someone to increase the borrowed money is to invest in a business. Since there is no business on the planet that guarantees profit (let alone fixed profit) there is no way for any borrower to guarantee principal preservation let alone interest on it. In usury based financing the borrower takes all the risk while the creditor is guaranteed risk-free interest payments. This is unfair and exploitive. Aristotle put it this way
"The trade of the petty usurer is hated with most reason: it makes a profit from currency itself, instead of making it from the process which currency was meant to serve. Their common characteristic is obviously their sordid avarice."
Robert Heilbroner in his book entitled ‘teaching from the Wordly Philosophies’ wrote:
"The most hated sort (of wealth getting) and with the greatest reason, is usury, which makes a gain out of money itself and not from the natural object of it. For money was intended to be used in exhange but not to increase at interest. And this term interest (tokos), whichmeans the birth of money from money is applied to the breeding of money because the offspring resembles the parent"
Pope Innocent IV (1250-1261) noted that if usury were permitted rich people would prefer to put their money in a usurious loan rather than invest in agriculture. Only the poor would do the farming and they didn’t have the animals and tools to do it. Famine would result. Burudian (d.1358), a professor at the University of Paris wrote that: "Usury is evil …because the usurer seeks avariciously what has no finite limits". This places its results outside of nature - often outside of the possible. St. Bernardine of Siena (1380-1444) observed that usury concentrates the money of the community into the hands of the few.

Finally, since people have an option to earn interest from their saving accounts, people are less willing to loan money for non-profit and charity work.

Usury was once prohibited in both Judaism and Christianity, but Islam is the only religion that prohibits usury today. In fact, usury is denounced in the strongest term possible. Quran says:
Those who eat Ribâ (usury) will not stand (on the Day of Resurrection) except like the standing of a person beaten by Shaitân (Satan) leading him to insanity. That is because they say: "Trading is only like Ribâ (usury)," whereas Allâh has permitted trading and forbidden Ribâ (usury). So whosoever receives an admonition from his Lord and stops eating Ribâ (usury) shall not be punished for the past; his case is for Allâh (to judge); but whoever returns [to Ribâ (usury)], such are the dwellers of the Fire - they will abide therein. [1:275]
There is no other sin in Quran where it declares war on the perpetrators
And if you do not do it, then take a notice of war from Allâh and His Messenger but if you repent, you shall have your capital sums. Deal not unjustly (by asking more than your capital sums), and you shall not be dealt with unjustly (by receiving less than your capital sums).[1:279]
If you analyze the power accumulated by the banks over last few centuries, you’ll notice they could not have done it without being able to charge usury on their loans. So you see, this one prohibition alone could have prevented world wars, several recessions and the current world-wide depression.

One common misconception about usury or interest is that banking and investment can not exist without it. In fact, quite the opposite, Islamic banking will create a very healthy investment environment becuse the deposited funds will have to be invested as there is no place to ‘park’ the money and simply earn interest. This will encourage entrepreneurship as the banks will share the profit as well as the loss in their investments. On the other hand, the depositors who do not want to invest their money, will be charged a fee to provide banking services such as check writing, transfer of funds, ATM etc. Best of all, there will be no fraud such as fractional reserve banking and no legal counterfeiting. Charity
One may question that all nations and religions pay charity so what is different in Islam. For one, Islam is the only religion which has obligatory charity, called Zakat. There is no prevalent system that even legislate a compulsory charity, let alone enforce it.
Zakat mandates all Muslims meeting certain minimum wealth requirements, to pay 2.5% of their saving once a year to poor and needy.
According to wall street journal’s wealth report, dated April 01, 2008, world’s millionaires have combined net worth of 50 trillion dollar. This would yield 1.25Trillion in Zakat. Imagine, 1.25 trillion being spent every year to feed, cloth and shelter the needy around the world. If Zakat is institutionalized it would go to a large extent in reducing poverty and by implication, the crime rate in the society.
Quran also encourages Muslims to pay charity on top of the obligatory Zakat.
“And likeness of those who spend their wealth, seeking to please Allah and to strengthen their souls, is as a garden, high and fertile………” (2 : 265).
Wealth is dear to everybody and everyone loves to acquire and possess it. By encouraging a person to voluntarily pay Zakat and part with his wealth, Islam promotes sentiments of sacrifice, love, goodness of heart, mutual cooperation. Circulation of wealth
Jon Ronnquist in his article entitled “What exactly is money?” noted as
… some cap must exist on savings. Money removed from the supply and set to one side must be replaced to ensure it does not violate its own primary purpose by deflating. If it is reintroduced in excessive quantities it will also have the effect of causing inflation. This does not become a problem if deposits and withdrawals from saving are relatively balanced. It also illustrates that huge stockpiles of unreasonable wealth violate the laws upon which money operate and should not be allowed.
Quran not only discourages hoarding of wealth but also warns persons responsible for this heinous crime with the dire consequences.
“They who hoard up gold and silver and spend it not in the way of Allah, unto them give tidings of a painful doom. On the day when it will (all) be heated in the fire of hell and their foreheads and their flanks and their backs will be branded therewith (and it will be said unto them). Here is that which ye hoarded for yourselves. Now taste of what ye used to hoard:” (At-Taubah-9 : 34-35). Moderation
Quran calls the believers ‘middle nation [2:143]’. The principle of moderation is of paramount importance, especially in the field of economics. This principle is followed by the true believers in the production of wealth as well as in the consumption and spending of wealth. Although earning of wealth through permitted (Halal) means is allowed, yet the piety demands that a Muslim should not become mad after amassing wealth like a greedy materialist. He should exercise restraint and earn wealth to meet his lawful needs.
Islam condemns both miserliness and extravagance and enjoins upon a believer to exercise moderation. The Qur’an appreciates those who exercise moderation
in spending when it says:
“And those who, when they spend, are neither prodigal nor grudging; and there is ever a firm station between the two.”(25:67) Summary
Islamic economic system ensures fair and equitable distribution of wealth through positive as well as negative measures, such as : institution of Zakat (obligatory charity) and Sadaqat (optional charity), laws of inheritance and will, abolition of interest, prohibition of earning of wealth by Haram (unlawful) means, prohibition of hoarding, etc.
Remember a true divine guidance is our only salvation because there's only one thing more dangerous than a man who breaks the law - and that's a man who MAKES the law - because NO ONE is above him.

5 Conclusion
Despite all the attempts to make enslave us, and despite all powers and wealth of our want-to-be masters, it comes down to the choices we make. We can only be enslaved if and only if we let our desires and temptations become our masters. Dear readers, there is no third way in this world, either we worship the creator or created (satan). The world has always been about a struggle between good and evil. It is our choice as to which side we pick. The side of good requires patience and perseverance but it is going to be the winner because those who are on the side of the creator will succeed. Evil may seem to have triumphed but it is temporary as it is destined for eternal loss. Throughout the history worldly success is rotated between good and evil. This is done such that the believers in God could prove their faith. Every trial and tribulation only increases the faith of the believers and exposes the hypocrites. This test is the reason human being were sent to this planet, this is the reason God invented life and death.
So make your choice very carefully it is more important than life and death, it is about life in eternity.
Once you believe in God you will set yourself free from the shackles of this system of perpetual slavery. Social historian Margaret Jacobs captured this as "No institution is safe if people simply stop believing in the assumptions that justify its existence."
Therein lies both our challenge and responsibility.

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